
Wisconsin Crime Wave, Part II

The local summer crime wave I reported on earlier continues unabated. As a public service, please be alerted to this criminal act reported in a mass email I received at work today. The names have been removed to protect the innocent.
Missing Greenhouse Plant

During a recent research stay at Missouri Botanical Garden, I obtained a very rare member of the family of plants upon which I work, Brighamia insignis:
It was placed with my other research plants in the greenhouse atop Halsey Science Center.

Sometime between the afternoons of Wednesday, 13 August and Friday, 15 August, it disappeared from the greenhouse. This plant is not commercially available to any extent. If you see one of these, it is likely mine.

I want the plant back. If it magically reappears in the greenhouse by Wednesday, 20 August, no more will happen. After that date, I will file a formal theft report with campus police. Only so many people have access to that greenhouse. No civilian walked in off the street and took it; this clearly was an inside job.

The sooner the plant is returned the better. This species has no resistance to red spider mites and if not regularly treated with pesticide, will be dead within the month.
Please report any sightings to your nearest botanical law enforcement.


Civics Lesson

Today we visited the Barnes & Noble in Appleton to buy some fun stuff with Jodi's gift certificates. Jodi noted later that while our old B&N on 82nd St & Broadway specialized in psychology and Judaica, there is a bit more of a conservative focus in northeastern Wisconsin. These two books were prominently displayed on the welcome table.

I think I was offended not so much by the titles (it's fine to have a "case against Barack Obama", and despite his objective qualifications he has gained a cult of personality) as by the super-evil-looking pictures used on the front covers. In any case, I vented my political rage with an act of minute civil disobedience, turning one of the books over so you couldn't see the front cover.

A few minutes later, walking through the bargain stacks, I found this book:

Someone had apparently felt a similar call to political protest from the other side; whether an Obama or McCain supporter we can't tell, but I have to guess a Republican since Obama supporters should have stopped focusing on her by now. But this person had taken a slightly less agressive approach, turning the target book not backwards but simply upside down. This strikes me as simulataneoulsy less rude and more effective, since a customer can now immediately see the object of dissent. It also matches the only vandalism we've received thus far to our own Obama bumper magnet.

Having been taught a valuable lesson by my conservative neighbors on effective First Amendment expression, I returned to the anti-Obama books and turned them simply upside down.

Edit: By the way, Mom, I turned the Hillary book back right-side up.