With its Red Sox World Championship bumper sticker (2004 edition) and Obama car magnet, the back of our little "Galaxy Grey" Mazda 3 does look a bit like a Northeastern liberal stereotype. (True, Obama is "from" Illinois, but that Harvard Law School part is quite New England). We've never had a car magnet of any kind before (ok, we've only even had a car for one year) and Maccabee maintains it will eventually get stolen. I initially thought that was unlikely, but on a recent day, we returned to the car (parked in a university lot) and someone had turned the Obama magnet upside down.
Charming people. Really enlightened and educated of y'all.
Even more charming was the car I happened to park next to at the doctor's office one day:

That would be a gen-u-ine confederate flag sticker in the window there. Really friendly, eh?
In general, politics are heating up in Oshkosh, with the fall election approaching... tomorrow is the grand opening of the Oshkosh/Winnebago County Democratic/Obama headquarters, with Senator Feingold (yay anti-FISA man!!) in attendance. I wish I could be there but I'm headed off quite early tomorrow to a very cool workshop at the Jewish Women's Archive in... my beloved Boston. M. might get to the go.
At the moment, we've in the Milwaukee region because of aforementioned early flight (didn't want to chance missing it or get up ridiculously early to drive down here). We had a pleasant visit to the fancy-schmantzy Bayshore Town Center outdoor mall, which is.... well, it's a really nice mall, with a lot of high-end stores, a cute water fountain, and tasty restaurants. The Joisey girl part of me enjoys a good mall; the part of me that doesn't want to acquire too much stuff finds them less fun than they used to be. Based on the stores, actually, it felt quite a bit like what the Upper West Side has (sadly) become. But we had a really nice evening nonetheless.