A few weeks ago, Oshkosh had some fairly major flooding due to the torrential thunderstorms spread across the Midwest. While we were in decidedly better shape than Iowa, much of Oshkosh did end up underwater. We're personally lucky here-- we don't have a basement-- but most people weren't.
We had the interesting fortune to be driving home from work when the thunderstorms hit, and had to pull over as soon as we noticed that, well, on previously clear streets, our car had an actual WAKE (don't drive through standing water, people). The car is just fine and we're fine too, but for an hour or two we were treated to a view of the student revelry on flooded streets.
Here's what we learned:
1. Budweiser floats in floodwater
2. In the worldview of the frat boy, ANYTHING is cause for drinking (this isn't really news)
3. Someone actually ordered Chinese takeout in the midst of the storm. As the delivery vehicle floated by, frat boys flocked around it, chanting "kung pao chicken! kung pao chicken!" as they splashed away
4. Trucks have really big wakes
5. If there is a thunderstorm watch, check the damn radar online before you leave work
6. Don't drive when there are massive thunderstorms on the radar
At a certain point, this starts to sound like Into the Woods: "When going to hide, know how to get there. And how to get back. And eat, first."
Definitely, eat first.
Also: consider living in a town with better drainage.
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