
The Curdistanis Attend the Great Wisconsin Cheese Festival

Dear Readers (if indeed any remain),

So, we haven't posted a word since Inauguration Day, you say. What kind of a blog is this, you ask.

Well, readers, it's a blog that is deeply affected by the academic calendar and something called the "spring semester," followed by something called the "interim term," which entails teaching a semester's worth of material in three weeks.

Now, however, I have been jarred out of blogging complacency by two events. 1) The interim term ended yesterday, and I am done teaching for the year. 2) Today, I have seen truly stupendous, wondrous sites of cheese. How could I NOT blog about this? Our blog is named Curdistan, for the Flying Spaghetti Monster's sake.

And so, today, after Indian brunch in Appleton (and the discovery of a small Indian grocery store-YES!), we attended The Great Wisconsin Cheese Festival in Little Chute, Wisconsin. Despite the soggy weather, a good time was had by all.

Cheese curds? Present. Squeaky. Check.

Cheese carving? We saw talented folk carving Mr. Potato head, a football, a cow, the Brewers' logo, and, most amazing of all, a detailed replica of Miller Park out of good 'ol, gleaming yellow Wisconsin cheddar. Check.

A giant buffet of cheese to sample? Check. (At one point, someone asked members of our party "where we got the cheese," which is kind of hysterical).

Rides and other carnival fare? Check. (I mean, what better thing to do, after eating a bunch of cheese, than to go on RIDES?)

Cheese curd eating contest? Check.

What better way to usher in the summer in Wisconsin than a cheese festival? (Even if the current temperature is, yes, 48 degrees).


Jared Calaway said...

How amazing are those cheese scultures?! I could just eat them. Mmmm....Wisconsin Cheddar...

Morgi said...

Our friends Robin and Bob from New York (Long Island and upstate) say that Wisconsin cheddar tastes nothing like eastern (say, Vermont) cheddar. Do you find this to be true?

Word verification is "ovorec" which sounds like some kind of birth control method.

Unknown said...

Wow...This post was, dare I say it, CHEESY!!! :D Now I feel like cheese myself...

Heidi said...

Hey, what luck to check your blog only a few days after your post! I need cheese... what about that cheese farm car trip we were going to take? Shall I shoot up to see you soon?