The New York Times recently noted that the Fox Valley area of Wisconsin is noted for its many independent chocolate manufacturers. Oshkosh in particular has two family-run chocolate businesses, Oak's and Hughes. We discovered Oak's rather quickly, as they have a store (one of three total) just a block from our home. We've probably shopped there a half-dozen times since we moved here, and they're always good.
Recently I discovered the existence of Hughes, so last month Jodi and I took a trip there to experience the competition. Hughes is run out of just one location, the basement of a family home, and sells its chocolates almost exclusively in one-pound boxes. We got some nut clusters, and wow, I think they were even better than Oak's. While we were there, I asked the clerk about the the intra-city competition -- what was the difference between the two stores? She didn't have much to say in terms of comparing them. When I asked "So Hughes is better, right?" she smiled and said yes, but she refused to elaborate.
Today I stopped by our local Oak's again on the way back from some downtown errands. After buying some coconut clusters and raspberry truffles, I asked the Oak's clerk about the rivalry and to compare the two stores. She wouldn't say much, except to mention one product that only the competition carried, even though it was obvious that Oak's has a larger selection overall. When I asked her which store was better, she wouldn't venture an opinion, except to say that people just ate what their families grew up with. I tried once more, saying that I was relatively new in town and without chocolate allegiances, but she refused to engage.
Is this a lot to write about two chocolate stores, or rather the non-battle going on between them? Yes it is. I just wish that somehow the Democratic primary battle still had this level of cordiality.
1 comment:
Chocolate bunnies, people (see my blog for reference). I have to say that your store clerks sound apathetic rather than polite... unless I'm missing something in their tone. But the important thing in your story is that you ate lots of chocolate, always a good thing.
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